Creative Ways to Give
There are many reasons to donate now. Perhaps the best reason is as an investment in the future of Willcox, an investment that will live on and benefit the community.
There are numerous opportunities for give! Choose the way the works best for you. Consider one-time gifts, or multi-year pledges fulfilled over three to five years. Provide a tribute gift to honor someone special by making the donation in their name, or leave a legacy gift for the future with a bequest or beneficiary designation. In-kind donations and volunteer labor are also encouraged.
For exceptionally generous commitments, space dedications and naming opportunities with prominent signage are available. Expanded sponsorship opportunities are available for the Farm, Ranch, & Youth Event Center and other major areas.
Please consider how your contribution will benefit our community of Willcox for years to come and give generously.
In-Kind Opportunities
· Construction services
· Volunteer labor
· Equipment donations
- Livestock and arena panels, bleachers, tables and chairs, storage facility, and more.
Contact us to discuss other ways you can contribute.
wxeventcenter@gmail.com or 520.507.5939